Videos For You
Discover the secrets to success in ISO27001, Cybersecurity and Consultancy in our series of Videos.
The mandatory Policies for ISO 27001
ISO27001 mandates a number of policies and procedures, but it's not as many as some would have you believe. What are the mandatory policies you need to build in order to meet the requirements of the standard?
Become super organised as a Cybersecurity consultant
Being a Cybersecurity consultant requires you to be on your A game at all times... but how do you organise yourself and keep that ever-growing 'to do' list under control?! Let's take a look at how Consultants Like Us keep on track and manage our days so we become more effective and achieve more!
ISO Standards - What are they and why do we need them?
SO27001, ISO9001, ISO31000, ISO22301, ISO14001... You've seen them. You might even have them. But here's a funny thing; Do you you know what an ISO is? And why do we need them anyway? Here I answer a simple question that many people haven't even considered.
Book Review: Transformational Security Awareness
Being able to sell your ideas and the importance of Cybersecurity and information security to the Board and to the business is imperative if you want to be successful!
In the 'Art of Cybersecurity Consultancy' series, I'll review tools, books and podcasts, and this time I want to cover "Transformational Security Awareness".
This incredible resource covers everything you need to be a more effective communicator. But it's more than this - it goes into what works and what doesn't when it comes to changing behaviours.