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The February Security 'Look' Club...

Gary Hibberd

Each month we'll share with you people, publications and podcasts we think you should be checking out.

If you're aware of anything that you think we should be looking at, then get in touch and let us know. If you're writing a briliant blog or running the perfect podcast, we want to know.

Here are our 'pick of the pops' for Security and Data Protection ....

Blog of the month... Children and Tech

Image of a brain

Catherine Knibbs writes incredible blog posts about many topics, but none more so important than Children and Tech.

In a topic that few people dare to cover, but many worry about, she gives us thoroughly researched explanations of what tech is doing to young minds and how to help them.

This is a topic you need to know more about, from a someone who knows what's going on in tech, and in our minds!

Security Podcast of the month... Darknet Diaries

Secure logo

Darknet Diaries is a fantastic show as it brings together the true stories from the internet.

As it says on their website "This is a podcast about hackers, breaches, hactivism and cybercrime..."

Book of the month... FAIK

Book cover for Book of the month

Our recommended book for February...

As the text says on the cover; A Practical Guide to Living in a World of Deepfakes, Disinformation, and AI-Generated Deceptions". This is a brilliant read and highly relevant at the moment.

Insightful, entertaining and shocking in equal measure. This is a great read!

Person to follow... Catherine Knibbs

Picture of Catherine Knibbs

Catherine Knibbs is jut someone you need to follow. Her insights on what technology is doing to us (and children), is always interesting, but often worrying.

Her background is in tech, so she knows a thing or two about this world, but her focus is on helping us make sense of the digital world around us. Follow her on Instagram too... her videos are brilliant.


Each month we'll take a look at the best in publications, podcasts and people... that we're aware of!

So if you think there's something we should be looking at (or someone!) then let us know and we'll be sure to look to feature them here, and in subsequent blogs, articles and videos.

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