I could tell you more (and probably will when we meet), but did that get your attention? 🤔
Isn't that what we're trying to do? Of course it is... That's the purpose of Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Advertisements, TV, Films, Books, and LinkedIn!
There is a war going on, and it's a war for our attention.
If you're struggling to get the attention of your Board or of your employees then it's probably because you're not thinking like a marketeer.
Are you just dolling out Facts and Figures? If so, then you're going to lose your audience and won't get the change in behaviour or support you're looking for.
Last years theme for Cybersecurity Awareness month was 'Secure the world', and if we're going to do that then we need to get the attention of the world.
Giving out stats and facts won't do it.
Don't say "A company is hacked every 39 seconds".
Say "We know that a company is hacked every 39 seconds, which means someone, somewhere, is having their life turned upside down."
Give them facts as part of a story. Make it meaningful.
Thousands (maybe millions) of people knew about the Post Office scandal, but it took an ITV drama to bring it to life. Ultimately it changed laws and it changed lives.
It caught the attention of the nation and created a movement. The message is clear... Awareness, leads to Attention leads to Action.
The theme this year is "Secure Our World" so I'm providing advice and guidance that will help you personally and professionally.
You can do your bit to help us do this by sharing this post.